Industry Autopsy
A Syre Searching for his Own KingdoMWhen Jaden Smith first burst on the scene as a rapper it was hard to take him serious. The formula actor turned rapper has rarely worked, with the exception of Drake. Furthermore, few actors could shake the image left from being seen as a certain character. If you don't believe me ask Orlando Brown who played Eddie on that's so Raven. Jaden Smith has seen this same thing happen to him because of movie roles from movies like "The Pursuit of Happyness" where even in his acting debut he was overshadowed by his father. A shadow he has been looking to get from out of ever since. Even in his rap debut from the movie soundtrack The Karate Kid Jaden being taken serious as a rapper was a hard thing to do. By the time Jaden had returned for his second attempt at a rap career the damage had already been done. The acting, the controversial outfits he wore, and the modeling magazine career cumulated into Jaden's return to rap more like a gimmick or parody act than a charting topping rapper. Add on top of this his father is the unanimous prince of hip-hop, and it's easy to see why Jaden Smith has been seen as a young kid always searching for his crown and more importantly his kingdom. But with Jaden's recent release "Syre" Jaden proves that his book on rap royalty is far from being finished.
June 2022