Industry Autopsy
Hip-hop has taken over. From TV, to music, to the internet hip-hop has left it's imprint in pretty much every market. So when it comes to cartoons in this new age it would only be right that hip-hop be represented as well. That's if they want to be relevant. And one cartoon that's been paying homage to the hip-hop scene is show Teen Titans Go! Airing on Cartoon Network, Teen Titans Go has become one of the stations biggest shows. Known for it's super hero characters and new style music, has become the recipe for success for this cartoon, which has quickly become become one for the most watched shows on the network. Here are a few clips of the super hero's hip-hop adventures.
Jay-z, an artist that with just one tweet can shut down the whole internet. And as J's timeline has told his tweets are often like his flows, don't take it at face value because there's always a double meaning. So since Jay-Z has been a little busy (Answer your phone J.) I thought I would do my own interview and call it "The Twitterview" with Jay-Z. Check it out.
Jay-Z your first tweet was on November 22, 2008. Let’s take a look at your first tweet ever. My left stroke just went viral. Who knew these 2 bars would bring the game to a complete stand still. There have been more annotators on these 2 bars than an ESPN stat on LeBron James. But why? Why now? King James... No. King Kendrick. Kendrick Lamar to be more specific. Some believe that Kendrick's next album is going to destroy his competition, and this is just the ripple in the ocean before the tsunami comes.
It's almost overWith it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and only 4 days left in office for President Obama I thought it would be important to do some reflecting on President Barack Obama's presidential term. 8 years is a long time, but this presidential term seems to be that vacation that you never wanted to end. But the surreal part is that it's almost over. For some kids your the only President they ever knew, and for some people your the only President they ever acknowledged. You gave hope to a nation who never had it. You dodged all the jabs that they tried to throw at you, (and believe me there were a lot of jabs thrown). You promised change whether directly or indirectly, for a nation that needed change directly or indirectly. This moment of realizing that change didn't happen, and the emotions that come with the thought that this may have been our only chance, only J. Cole could some up this emotion is his song "Be Free"...
June 2022