Industry Autopsy
"One by One, Into the Dark"It's here Part 2, Episode 3. Let's go! We start out with Ezekiel and Ra-Ra getting approached about coming to one of Afrika Bambaataa show by these two chicks. Will they go? Who knows. Moving to the next scene Ezekiel goes back to the boss of his internship (remember Shaolin pulled a gun out at his Yale party). Well the boss is talking to Ezekiel about how men in power can get anything forgiven or better yet their way. No matter if a gun was involved. Ask Trump if you think I'm lying. So the boss tells Ezekiel that any friend that pulls out a gun isn't a friend at all. So he wants Ezekiel to rat out Shaolin and if does that and then all will be forgiven. Rat out the homie! This ain't First 48 so that ain't happenin. Plus I watched Juice and it ain't too many people with a gun who are willing to be told on. So the boss gets upset and says to Ezekiel, "Don't Bite the Hands that Feeds you.". So Ezekiel stayed true to his hood and his people decides to quit the internship with the unforgettable words, "Sometimes the means doesn't justify the end." But the day doesn't end there. Ezekiel goes home and his aunt starts trippin' on him talking about curfews and he can't perform anymore. But he ain't bout to quit music. So his aunt kicks him out the house. That's a hell of a choice. Doing what you love and kicked out the only house you've known. OR not doing what you love and hating the life others want you to lead. But luckily Shaolin let's him crash at his spot. As he reply's, "Books, you in the streets now!". The next day Papa Fuerte comes bustin through the door talking about, "You can't date Mylene" this and "You don't deserve the opportunity to go to Yale" that. You know bulshit you say when your mad, Then Ezekiel tells him how the mayor and his boss was playing him just to get the latino vote and then they were gonna drop his ass anyway. Meanwhile Mylene is getting the cold shoulder from the label. They ain't returning her calls or answering her telegraphs, or what ever they had back then. The record company seriously is tired of the religious act and are ready for her to do some Madonna shit. So they promise her a part in a movie as long as she sings at the ratchet club and gets ratchet. Like twerk before it was called twerking. Back to Les Inferno you know Fat Annie's club. But even before that Cadillac is still hating on the Get Down Brothers. So he told his dealer to lace the angel dust that they sell at the clubs so that there would be bodies on the floor. And Dizzy almost dies because of it. And the weird ass cartoon shows back up. That shit sucks. The ONLY hip-hop lesson we get from the episode is when Fat Annie started talking about novelty records and how there's money in them. This was true, In fact one of the first big rap records was a novelty record called "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang. The ironic part of that is that when Boo-Boo is riding in the limo they are listening to a Grand Master Kass song which is stolen and used in the very same song (Rapper's Delight on the 9th verse by Big Bank Hank). Ya never let a MC steal your ryhme. But wait there's more episode's of The Get Down. So just chill til the next EPISODE...
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June 2022